Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Tired beatnik seeks bongo for LTR and TLC

Fire licks like a thirsty dog at my pant cuffs
And the voice of Jimmy Stewart loops somewhere behind me
"It all just seems so useless, don't you think so Mary?"

Well this time the joke is on the fates
Cause the deja vu is lame
And the tired ghosts folded their crappy hands long ago.

So hand over the cash and don't make any sudden movements
I'm not afraid to use this thing you know
Do I look like a rookie? Does this look like my first rodeo?


Anonymous said...

I feel like Jeebus is trying to tell me something...

Anonymous said...

There is a proverb here somewhere...maybe dont through the savior away with the laundry? or something? You sir, are the poet laureate of our time.

gwoertendyke said...

i'll be honest: the image freaks me out!

Margaret said...

I'm with aw here... the jesus freaks me out. Thar's too much gospel in LB's GB :)

Gospel Bob said...

Yeah, it freaked me out too....L.B. pointed it out in a thrift store we were browsing in....that is a display case he is lounging in.....