Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I think I have the opposite of OCD. L.B. just told me about a classic anxiety dream she had last night. Back to my non-OCD. What do they call it when you focus on something just long enough to get good at it, then run off for some new interesting project? It isn't attention deficit, because I'm very very focused when I'm focusing. It isn't a mid-life crisis because I've always done it. I'd like to call it an artistic temperment, but that is just bullshit because the real artists I know are extremely dedicated people. I think the only word to adequately describe it is flake. I might have Astute Flake Syndrome.


Anonymous said...

As far as flakes go, though, you're an extremely congenial (and easy-on-the-eyes) one. Also, congratulations on coining your own disease!

crse said...

Actually I think you might be revolutionalizing the DSM on this! I really do think you are on to something here.

Gospel Bob said...

Excellent....you know, the more initials I can put after my name the happier I am.

Anita said...

Where can I sign up for that? I think I might have it too. Of course, I'm probably just your garden-variety flake with OCD. Maybe that is just a fancy way to say high maintenance though.

At least I'm not bulimic (like Bret).

Gospel Bob said...

That's funny, I thought I heard you being a little bulimic at Coto de Caza.